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Eau, pinceau & aquarelle
13 mars 2019

Les agapanthes ou ...mieux vaut notre propre vision (1ère partie) English version

Les agapanthes ou ...mieux vaut notre propre vision (1ère partie) English version
First of all, I want to "say", I'm very honoured to see my blog is readen by some of you in many countries all over the world. If my reflexions about painting watercolours may help, I'll be satisfied. I want to thank Veronique Moret who allow me to put...
22 février 2017

The "white" : some exemples.

The "white" : some exemples.
In this portrait, I wanted to create the illusion of a light from the left corner to bring out the bride's face. As you certainly know, in watercolour the white doesn't exist as the others colors. So, you must keep the paper white in the places you want...
7 juillet 2016

A special message for american followers...

A special message for american followers...
As holidays are coming, I will translate some of the messages I know people from USA use to read. This way, I want to thank them. In a way, they support my work and I know I can help in the difficult task that watercolour is. However, it is a hobby but...
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